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The Sisterhood of Louisiana Girls State

Gracie Griffin

Louisiana Girls State is an event which fosters friendships, ideas, and creativity. This week-long program teaches incoming senior girls about the democratic processes of Louisiana. The Girls State experience is like no other, (I promise that you will most likely not have a voice by the end of the week) and many former citizens say that attending Girls State was one of their more enlightening and empowering experiences as a high school student. As a 2023 Girls State citizen, I can safely say that this experience has taught me so many things about myself and the world around me.

To begin, I want to say thank you to my Counselors for the immense kindness they have shown me and my fellow parishioners. On the first day of Girls State, I was extremely nervous about meeting new people, but as the week has gone on I have grown super close to the girls around me. Between the campaigning, cheering, and late-night dorm talks, the girls of LAGS truly understand how to rally around their passions and join with each other no matter their own backgrounds or experiences. This experience will forever shape the way that I view the world and people around me. Girls State has taught me that even though we all come from different walks of life, we are all capable of incredible things. I hope that anyone who may be given the opportunity to attend this amazing program will take it, because it has changed my life and it may just change yours.

Louisiana Girls State, the best in all the land!

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